Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This place is a zoo

They say you never run into freaks when you're looking for them, so it makes sense that when I wasn't looking I ran directly into a freak.

I was on auto-pilot on my usual route through Union station when I collided with what at first struck me as very smelly wall.  In reality it was a very smelly person. Seems common enough, but instead of the usual "excuse me" (pronounced "fuck you" in New York), this freak responded with something completely unexpected.

"I'm tall."

When I looked up, I saw something completely unexpected.  He wasn't tall.  His natural human height was actually quite diminutive, but he'd added an attachment, a stuffed giraffe he'd cut off at the neck and made into a hat. 

Sensing my puzzlement, the freak repeated "I'm tall," and flashed me a dolphin-happy grin.

I wondered if he'd been confused by the term "concrete jungle," and not realized that the giraffe's natural habitat is the grasslands.  But I concluded that the get-up was simply for protection.  According to wiki:  "The hairs in a giraffe's fur work as a chemical defense, giving the animal a distinctive pungent odor."

My nose agreed that this defense could disarm any threat a giraffe might encounter in the subway.